Think like a mogul with these investing podcasts

If you are one of the many Britons who started to invest over the course of the past year, you’re not alone if you are on the lookout for some more guidance.
After all, while investment services and stockbrokers are plentiful, good advice is slightly more difficult to come by.
If you are stretched for time and still keen to learn the tips and tricks for a successful, long-term investment strategy, podcasts can be a truly invaluable resource.
There is no shortage of absolutely cracking podcasts, while many feature insights from some of the most successful investors on the planet, they put in simple terms, how best to make your money work for you.
Here are four of our favourite investing podcasts.
1. The Intelligent Investing Podcast
Founded by the highly successful self-made investor Eric Schleien, the Intelligent Investing Podcast is ideal for those who want to understand how markets work and find the best tools and resources for long-term investing.
The variety of guests on this weekly podcast is rich, featuring CEOs, asset managers, self-made millionaires, and City bigwigs.
One recent guest was Viktor Nebehaj, founder of one of the UK’s leading investment platforms, Freetrade.
The episode covers how you can use platforms like Freetrade to pursue “conscious investing” thanks to investment accounts like the self-invested personal pension account (SIPP), which allows you to take control of your retirement and put your financial future in your own hands.
Or there is the stocks and shares ISA, which again enables you to invest for the future in a tax-efficient way. It’s important to remember that, like a bank or utility company, you don’t have to stick with one ISA provider, if you find a platform that suits you and your needs better, you can switch.
The podcast also discusses why you might consider switching your ISA to Freetrade. The II Podcast also looks at various other tools that you can use to empower your investment journey.
2. Barclays UK Investment Insights
If you are trying to figure out how general economic news and developments affect your portfolio, and how you can take advantage of this, then the Barclays Investment Insights podcast is one of the best places to start.
This upbeat, short, and easy-to-understand podcast has a new episode almost every day, with each one focusing on a round-up of the economic news you need to know, as well as how your investments can benefit. If you’re a highly proactive investor, this is the podcast for you.
3. The Property Investors Podcast
Property is one of the most widely held investment assets in the UK, to a greater degree than in most other countries. If you want to learn how you can get on the property ladder and build a real estate portfolio that stands the test of time, the Property Investors Podcast is the place to start.
Featuring regular insights from the best and brightest property investors and realtors in the country, this series teaches you how to take advantage of the current market and incentives to build a successful real estate portfolio.
4. The Money Planner
No matter what your investment goals are, understanding personal finance best practice is key. This is where the award-winning Money Planner podcast comes into play. Presented by certified financial planner and wealth guru Warren Schute, Money Planner teaches you how you can reorganise your personal finances and income to help build long-term wealth and security.
One of the best things about this highly accessible podcast is that it does not target a wealthy audience. Rather, each episode focuses on how you can fine-tune your personal finances with even the most modest resources. All you need is the right advice.
If you’re ready to start building a long-term investment portfolio, let the best in the business be your guide. By tuning into these award-winning investing podcasts, you will be off to a strong start.