New managing director appointed at Andover Radio
Ben Tuffin has taken over from David Harber as managing director of Andover Radio in Hampshire.
Ben will also oversee the Love Andover brand, including the Love Andover Observer newspaper operated by the company.
David Harber, who founded the community radio station over five years ago, moves to a non-executive chairman role.
Ben has been with the station since it launched and officially joined the Board in 2019.
He says: “We have created and run the town’s most engaging events recently, and that’s all thanks to our astounding team of volunteers and the committed management team.
“We already reach audiences in their tens of thousands of Andover residents each week across all media and I am really looking forward to developing the company’s new and exciting opportunities.”
David will remain a director of the Company whilst also launching Salisbury Radio on DAB as MD.