All BBC Radio 1 presenters are in hiding from Greg James

BBC Radio 1’s station-wide promotion for this summer is the Giant DJ Hunt – all presenters are in hiding from Greg James who has to find them all.

Greg has to put the schedule back together again by using clues to find everyone. Until then, he’s on the radio by himself.

A printer has been installed in the studio for clues to be sent, and he’s already interacting with listeners to try and work out where the other 30 presenters are hiding.

Here are Greg’s official instructions, sent to him via a sentient office printer

Every Radio 1 DJ except you is in hiding. You’ll have no hope of finding them on your own, but there are millions of Radio 1 listeners who might just stumble upon them as they go about their days. They could be hiding anywhere, anytime, any place.

Greg, your job is to put Radio 1 back together, one presenter at a time. When a DJ is found you will have to get them to a BBC studio. Right now you’re the only presenter on the station. You have 30 DJs to find, don’t take too long.

None of the DJ’s are in dangerous places! So you don’t need to go hunting through quarries, quicksand, abandoned buildings or treacherous swamps to find them.

If you think you know where a DJ is, don’t take things into your own hands. If you want to offer to help, send Greg a WhatsApp on 03700100100 and his team will call you back if they can use your assistance.

The stunt follows previous events such as The Escape Room, Greg James being kidnapped, the Radio 1 Giant Jigsaw, the Summer Breakout, and the game that started it all, Hide and Seek in 2018 and 2019.