UKCRN to push for more AM and FM frequencies for community radio services

If you are looking at starting a community radio station on AM or FM then the UK Community Radio Network wants to hear from you.
Ofcom is currently consulting on its work plan for the 2025-2026 period, but makes no mention of any plans to licence new analogue services.
UKCRN says it is minded to call on Ofcom to consider a limited and specific application process for FM radio in this work plan period, to start the process of general applications, and also consider special areas and circumstances where they licence new stations now.
Martin Steers, Co-Founder of the UKCRN said; “Whilst small-scale DAB is an opportunity for community radio, it won’t be viable in all areas, and for many areas it is still many years away, while the whole of the licencing may be completed by the end of 2025 once awarded multiplex operators have a further 18 months to launch.”
The group also wants to encourage groups and organisations to consider making representations to Ofcom to show interest in additional analogue licensing and also encourage stations to contact their local Councils, Mayors, MPs and other key stakeholders to encourage them to engage with the Ofcom process to push for a commitment for new analogue licenses.
They are happy to help and would love to look at a coordinated approach to working with Ofcom on this matter.
They have launched a survey to gauge interest in future analogue licenses and for them to look at coordination on approach and responses. This should be completed by the station manager or management group/committee etc representative.
They will be submitting a response to Ofcom and making representations based on the feedback from this survey and engagement with stations. The more stations that they have complete the survey the more weight they will have with Ofcom and the Government for the argument for new analogue licences.